Sunday, December 30, 2012

Swimming Dragon Qigong for Weight Loss

As you are aware my weight has been an issue for most of my life. I am fasting once a week, pursuing a sensible diet, and I'm exercising more. I found an exercise called Swimming Dragon Qigong recently. I sought out instruction because the claim is that this exercise performed for 20 minutes daily will affect the flow of energy in the body and thus regulate the metabolism.
This short form is pretty simple to learn and I am trying it out for the next 100 days. (100 days is a common theme of practice in Chinese martial arts so I'm applying it here.)
Here is a video of the remarkable Mr. Fernando Bernall of Florida performing his version of the exercise.

It is also supposed to be useful for creating beautiful skin, a healthy spine, and regulating hormone levels.
My personal experience so far is that after practice my skin and body are much warmer than usual. I'll keep posting information as I progress in my hundred days. We are currently on day two.

If you want to try out this program with me feel free to grab a copy of the book by Master TK Shih off of Amazon.

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