Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Three Faces of Tai Chi: What benefits are you looking for?

After many years of teaching Tai Chi I have come to the conclusion that there are three different ways for people to benefit from the plethora of things that Tai Chi has to offer.

Tai Chi for Senior Citizens

The first group are Senior Citizens who need the gentle movements and stretches as well as the invaluable balance training and boost to the immune system. For these folks I give them traditional health exercises known as Tai Chi Qigong (pronounced "chee- gung") This usually makes them quite happy and they see many benefits from the practice. It's easy to remember and enriches the lives of those on the shady side of 70. You could practice this kind of course 3 times per week and get benefits.

Tai Chi for Health

The second group are younger folks usually between 40 and 70. These folks want to get some interesting exercise in a low impact way. Tai Chi is perfect for them. It consists of a short moving form and a lot of repetitions of basic moves. There is stance training and a lot of emphasis on mindful movement. You learn to make friends with your body and to work it out in a complete and holistic way. This kind of Tai Chi practice can really benefit your performance in other sports or activities as well as helping you rehab from injury faster.You could practice this kind of Tai Chi 3 times per week and get benefits.

Combat Tai Chi

The third group ranges from the very young up to some students who are past 70. This is the most diverse crowd I teach and they are interested in advanced Tai Chi. They go through the other stages yes but the eye is always on the prize of martial arts skill. These folks want to learn to do pushing hands (a two person exercise that leads to fighting skill), applications, and to use their bodies and minds to generate tremendous amounts of force with very little external movement. Students who take this approach are doing truly traditional Tai Chi. This kind of work takes commitment and practice but it will pay off with insights into the nature of mind and body, the subtleties of energy, and a world of self defense possibilities. However this kind of work requires daily practice.

Three levels of involvement in Tai Chi. Wonderful benefits to be had from all three. Tai Chi is a huge subject and its wonders are pretty much inexhaustible. Also the ages presented here are merely guidelines. I have a few folks in my combat classes who are past 70 and they can regularly throw around people twice their weight without a moment of strain. I have teenagers who just want to do Tai Chi for health and they enjoy it very much. Tai Chi has something to offer everyone from its three faces.

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